
It’s no secret that plumbing problems can wreak havoc on any home or business, leading to lasting water damage and unsanitary conditions. At the first sign of trouble, call the fully trained, licensed, and insured plumbers at KM Builders to diagnose and repair your plumbing situation.

Many rooms of your home rely on plumbing to function, including bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, finished basements, and mudrooms. One small problem can lead to significant damage to other rooms of your home very quickly, and it is critical to call the professional plumbing experts at KM Builders if you notice mysterious water puddles or wet spots, changes in water pressure, leaky pipes, sinks that are slow to drain, or unidentifiable foul or sulfuric odors. Repairing the problem immediately can be the difference between a simple fix, or costly damage that can necessitate full plumbing system replacement.

If you currently live in an older home, it’s quite possible that you have old, galvanized pipes that have rusted over the years, or are in a state of deterioration due to many decades of wear and tear. Without proper attention, old and damaged pipes can leak or cause water damage that is expensive to repair. Our plumbers can repipe your old plumbing system, upgrading it to copper or pex, providing functional durability without the expense of installing a brand-new system.

In addition to plumbing and pipe repair, KM Builders can install full plumbing systems in new construction homes or commercial buildings, and perform routine maintenance, drain cleaning, and descaling to ensure your pipes are clear and that any blockages are identified and rectified as soon as possible. Especially in areas with hard water, scale can form very quickly, which can lead to water drainage and flow inefficiency.

Contact the team of plumbers at KM Builders to assess, diagnose, and repair your plumbing issues, while providing cost-effective plumbing repair and plumbing system installation solutions to keep your home and business protected from expensive damage.